
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ryan's First Birthday

So here are some pics from Ryan's first birthday... more than 6 months ago. I started to make this post back in July, but got frustrated with blogger and the time it takes to upload pics. Just a few of the millions we took, I think they are pretty self explanatory. I really cannot believe how big she has gotten since then (and how much blonder!).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Random Pics

It's been a tough couple of months. We thought Mike's surgery was going to be the hard part, but that turned out to be just the beginning. The radioactive iodine therapy is doing it's work now and thankfully Mike is back on his thyroid meds. We hope his energy will be back soon and he will be feeling better. The challenge ahead is to get him on the right dose of meds to replicate what his thyroid was doing. I am so blessed to have an amazingly strong husband. Through it all he has still been the greatest Dad to our little girl, and still so wonderful to me. Thanks to everyone for you love and support - we have needed it. I count my blessings everyday.

These pics are in reverse chronological order, but I'm too lazy and tired to fix it.
Enjoy! Me and my girl on Mother's Day, also my 36th birthday. Did I say that out loud?
Ry baby in bed helping me open my cards. Mike should have bought stock in Hallmark.

Ryan on my shoulders. She thought it would be a good place to rest her head I guess.

Look at these cuties. Oh man I love these two. How could you not?

Ryan at the zoo laughing away. Look at those toofers!!!

Avah and Ryan as otters in the children's zoo.

We were checking out the alpacas - she wanted to jump out of my arms and attack them!

Checking out a goat.

Again, looking at a goat - she was pretty excited.

The whole gang (from L to R): Ryan, Heather, Shaina, Elle, Jeremy, Caleb, Jeremy,Avah, Hunter, Jonas, Michelle, Donna. We had a fabulous time at the zoo!

Avah and Hunter sharing a ride.

Look at this gorgeous girl.

I really can't believe how big she is getting! I can't believe she'll be a year old in a month. Stop the clock! It's going by way too fast!
Kiss and hug your loved ones a little extra today.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter, Clothes, Cardinals

We took some cute pics of our beautiful girl on Easter in the yard... the weather was perfect!!


Big thanks to Aunt Karie for putting together some hand-me-downs for Ryan... she likes new clothes!!

Oh these are FABulous!

And delicious!

Someone is soooo excited for the Cardinal's Home Opener!!

I mean super excited!!

Now she's getting ready for the 7th inning stretch.

Praying for a Pujols home run!!

Seriously, enough with the pictures Mom!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

You Should See the Other Baby...

So our beautiful baby girl took her first serious fall the other day, and now we look like child abusers when we go out in public.
It was one of those moments where you see it coming, and yet you fail to stop it. She pulled herself up on a magazine rack, lost her balance and took it right in the cheek. The impact was severe - she had a huge line bruise immediately and it was great enough that it has caused her to also get a black eye. I don't know who was more traumatized - me or her.
The bruising is getting prettier and prettier day by day. I hope today it is the worst. I feel terrible about the whole thing, but I guess it's just going to be one of many accidents she has. I think we are going to tell strangers that she got into a vicious baby brawl and she stole the other baby's sandwich. VICTORY!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!

Flowers for Mommy from Daddy... just beautiful! Daddy knew that tulips are Mommy's favorite!

So, what is Valentines Day all about?

Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's all about the hair...

In case you don't see the red when you see Ryan in person, the camera really caught it here...
Baby's first mohawk...

Mommy reading to Ryan. (this has nothing to do with hair but it was a cute pic)

The Neukomm Christmas

We had Bill, Karie and the kids down to celebrate Christmas with them. I caught Will's attention for a moment... Give me your serious face...

Now give me your SURPRISED face...

Now give me your sad face....

too cute.

Ryan got a silly hat from Grammy.

And a cool toy from Granny Helen that is sure to secure her future as a rock star...

Cole and Sonny obviously exhausted from the day

Grammy reading to the twins